
Explore Billing Methods

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Explore Billing Methods

Agility CRM+ is a Web-Based System supporting MULTIPLE BILLING METHODS and integrated with Quickbooks online accounting software

Agility CRM+  supports different billing methods for multiple vertical markets including Healthcare, Legal, IT, Automotive, Construction and others vertical. Four common methods of billing that are prevalent in most of companies include:

  • Block time without expiration/Retainer Method

With Agility CRM+ block-time billing method, you can bill the client upfront for block of time worked, and those hours are deducted from the block.  Agility CRM+  also provide the flexibility and comfort of rasing invoices with Quickbooks online. The real time dashboards also show you alerts and the status of block time in the form of bar chart.There is also provision to include any third party expense as a separate line item in the invoice, if need to be reimbursed by the client.

  • Block time with expiration

The method is similar to the above method except that it has pre defined expiration date and cant be used past that date.The invoices are generated via quickbooks online with the details for customer to verify and approve. The records of  customer invoices are also stored in Agility CRM for future reference.

  • Flat Rate

Agility CRM also provides you to bill the customer with a flat rate pay for the work/task done. Invoice are generated with Quickbooks online and the records are also sync back to Agility CRM.

  • Time and Material

You can bill the customer based on hourly rate pay for the work using Agility CRM plus any material or third party services while getting the job done. Third party expense line item is  not clubbed  with the hourly pay but is  generated in the invoice as separate line item for better customer  experience.